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My Blog

Lucy Ellis
Apr 26, 20234 min read
The Illusion of Control: Coping with the Rude Awakening of Life's Uncertainty
As human beings, we crave a sense of control over our lives. We want certainty, so we apply the pressure on ourselves to know the right...

Lucy Ellis
Feb 15, 20223 min read
Find your path to success
We've been raised to think that hard work pays off. Company loyalty will get you climbing the ladder and working consistently hard...

Lucy Ellis
Jul 25, 20192 min read
What the Funk!
It probably wasn’t a good idea to get on the Face App train. It was horrible! I also at the same time got sick, coincidence?! Nope. It is...

Lucy Ellis
Mar 4, 20193 min read
Why Hypnotherapy is the Antidote to Anxiety!
Why you cant get out of the worried thoughts and move past them… Getting caught in that dreaded loop of doom is easy to do when we let...

Lucy Ellis
Jul 13, 20182 min read
Social Anxiety
What is Social Anxiety? Social anxiety is an overwhelming fear of being judged or criticized negatively by other people. The fear will...

Lucy Ellis
Nov 22, 20172 min read
How to get from thinking to doing
There a We can all have behaviours we want to change or emotions we want to be free from, but if we sit and think about doing a different...
Lucy Ellis
Nov 19, 20151 min read
Lose Weigt Successully
You probably know by now that I have kicked off the Love Your Body Sic As Program – The off beat way to losing weight! If you’ve not...

Lucy Ellis
Apr 9, 20143 min read
Three Lies of a smoker
It is only when you’re really ready to become smoke free, that you understand the truth under these lies! 1) I’m one of the lucky...

Lucy Ellis
Feb 26, 20133 min read
Broken record or BrOkEn ReCoRd!
I live by the I get bored so quickly! Mundane tasks need to be spiced up all the time to incorporate different and creative ways of...
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