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Lucy Ellis
Apr 27, 20211 min read
Our Unconscious
The below is an excerpt taken from the Netflix series Freud, Set in the early 1800’s. In this scene Freud is trying to convince a room...

Lucy Ellis
Mar 26, 20192 min read
Is it really me you’re looking for?
You can not simply take one hypnotherapy technique and know that for everyone it will be successful, just like not everyone will respond...

Lucy Ellis
Mar 4, 20193 min read
Why Hypnotherapy is the Antidote to Anxiety!
Why you cant get out of the worried thoughts and move past them… Getting caught in that dreaded loop of doom is easy to do when we let...

Lucy Ellis
Jan 29, 20182 min read
How to improve your confidence
Watching my In the classroom or doing his homework he is a whole different person. He is withdrawn, distracted, and frustrated. He slams...

Lucy Ellis
Nov 22, 20172 min read
How to get from thinking to doing
There a We can all have behaviours we want to change or emotions we want to be free from, but if we sit and think about doing a different...

Lucy Ellis
Aug 10, 20173 min read
Do Fun and HSC fit in the same sentence?
I believe they d Over the last couple of months I have been helping a lot of students that are sitting their HSC. Stressed out,...

Lucy Ellis
Jan 4, 20162 min read
Start with success, end with success!
On a scale between 1 – 10 (10 being outrageously happy) how happy are you? I would classify a happy person anywhere from an 8 and up. If...
Lucy Ellis
Nov 19, 20151 min read
Lose Weigt Successully
You probably know by now that I have kicked off the Love Your Body Sic As Program – The off beat way to losing weight! If you’ve not...

Lucy Ellis
Nov 9, 20153 min read
The Most Important Goal settng strategy, to losing weight SLOWLY!
Because the excuse list for anybody that wants to lose weight , thinking about starting or having just not made it again at another diet,...
Lucy Ellis
Nov 5, 20151 min read
Love Your Body Sic As Program!
If you’re wanting to know exactly what this program is going to be offering you, please check out this video. You can then either email,...

Lucy Ellis
Jul 22, 20153 min read
A slam poem about living with and accpeting Tourettes
A wonderful poem, created by one of my LYS ladies. Enjoy x Blink. Blink. Blink. Squeeze. My eyes slam shut. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fuck! So close to...

Lucy Ellis
Jun 17, 20152 min read
Nom, nom, nom!
Not many people enjoy winter. I on the other hand embrace it. despite the fact that we have draft central coming up from the gaps in our...

Lucy Ellis
Jun 5, 20152 min read
Lets celebrate Calm
Poor old  calm, it never gets nearly as much attention as being busy does.. Busyness takes all the focus off calm. People like to talk...

Lucy Ellis
May 1, 20152 min read
Bill’s Success Story
This afternoon I got a call from a client I saw more than 12 months ago. The reason I am sharing Bill’s story with you, is because I want...

Lucy Ellis
Mar 31, 20152 min read
Get your body healthy with Lucy on Easter Monday!
If you are you sick and tired of hating your body? Feeling like you can’t enjoy life to the fullest because of your weight? Lucy can help...

Lucy Ellis
Dec 22, 20141 min read
Lucy Ellis Hypnotherapy opening her doors on 1st January 2015!
A fresh new year is looming. It’s exciting to be able to start a new chapter. We can start with all the promises of what we want to...

Lucy Ellis
Nov 3, 20143 min read
Let me explain to you what depression feels like. Depression is like a dull, rainy, Sunday afternoon downer every single day! Even when...

Lucy Ellis
Sep 12, 20142 min read
Inner Critic
Imagine….. Big thick, dark and angry tentacles growing out of your mind. whipping you in the face, trying to reach your neck so they can...

Lucy Ellis
Jul 10, 20142 min read
Our Journey
The final session Nobody in the group ever wants it to end…….. As the facilitator of these groups, I too also feel emotional on the last...

Lucy Ellis
Apr 19, 20141 min read
10 reasons why you need to Love Your Body Sick as!
There are still spots available for you to book in. Some of you may be wondering why should I do this? What will I get out of it? and do...
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