I’m very excited to announce, that I have teamed up with a special colleague of mine Stina Oftedal non diet dietician, to bring you a powerful program to assist you with your eating issues.
Keep reading to see how you can act quickly to secure a great deal for the month of August. In this program we will help you
Take the stress and guilt out of eating
Learn to honour your hunger and fullness signals
Start nourishing your body in a way that feels good to you
Become mindful of the emotions driving your over-eating or binge eating
A 30-day personalised intensive course with ME and non-diet dietitian Stina Oftedal to help you start feeling NORMAL around food.
Start trusting your body. Learn how to intuitively nourish yourself without diet rules. Explore what is driving you to NOT feel normal around food and eat for reasons other than hunger, or way past the point of comfortable fullness.
This is not a weight loss program. There are no diet plans or calorie quotas. No-one can know what kind of foods satisfy you, how much your body needs any given day, or even how much time you have for cooking! We will empower you with the skills to approach eating in a way that is not about self-control, but all about self-care and satisfaction.
I will help you explore and heal the emotions that are causing you to feel stressed and frustrated with your behaviour around food. A mindset shift in your approach to food will give you the confidence to trust your hunger again, which is what I like to call Food Freedom. You will gain motivation to choose healthy promoting behaviours that feel good to you and fit your lifestyle.
Stina will help you challenge your inner food police and rid yourself of the unhelpful diet mentality that causes you to keep going on a never ending cycle of restricting food and over-eating or bingeing. She will show you how get in touch with your body’s inner wisdom so you can confidently nourish your body, mind and spirit in a a way that is right for you.
If you are ready to start healing your relationship with food, this is the course for you!
What’s included: 3 individual consultations with Stina 2 customised e-mail follow-ups from Stina between consultations 2 individual hypnotherapy sessions with Lucy 1 customised audio to suit your individual needs 2 hypnotherapy audios to compliment Stina’s consultations
What does it cost? The course delivers over $800 worth of value.
However, we are delivering this program to you for the month of August for $500
After that the cost will go up to $600.
Click on this link to book in NOW!
Terms and conditions apply
Terms and conditions: – Payment must be made in full before commencing. – Dietitian consults may be eligible for private heath fund rebate. You will be issued with a re-ceipt on completion of your session which you can present for rebate to your health fund de-pending on your level of cover. – Cancellation and refund of unused sessions at any time. Breakdown of costs for each consult will be provided. 24 hrs cancellation notice required for full refund of unused sessions, oth-erwise as 50% fee will apply. Please note that the cancellation fee is not claimable through your health fund. – Sessions can be spread out over a longer time than 30 days if this is preferred by client or made necessary due to unforeseen circumstances and availability.