Are you just skimming the surface of life, always chasing the next quick fix or trying to put on a brave face?
It's exhausting, right?
We’ve been conditioned to believe that looking good and acting like we have it all together is what really matters. So, we float along the surface, hiding our insecurities, polishing our outer selves, and convincing ourselves that if we just keep up appearances, everything will be okay. But if we could just love our insecurities then we will be met with —a treasure trove of knowledge, wisdom, and fulfillment just waiting to be discovered.
Facing Insecurities
Insecurity is part of the human experience.
We all have those moments when we question whether we’re enough, whether we know enough, or if we’re even on the right path. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and want to retreat. But what if I told you that those insecurities could be your greatest allies? Beneath each fear lies a golden opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
More and more, I've learned that my job as your therapist is to be your guide—not to rescue you from your pain but to help you walk alongside it. Therapy isn't about eliminating your insecurities; it's about learning to love every part of yourself, including those fears and doubts that make you feel small.
The Dance of Patience and Trust
When we rush to fix ourselves, we often spiral into fear, thinking we need to know or be more than we currently are. But what we dont realise is that impatience pulls us further away from what we truly need—stillness. Patience is where the magic happens. It allows us to trust the process, to let things unfold at their own pace, and to dive deeper into our inner well of wisdom. We can only get the gold from our insecurities if we be still and patient with ourselves. those parts of ourselves that we have rejected until now, she needs time to trust you again.
Life gets a whole lot better when you embrace a more relaxed approach—when you simply be with what is. My role is no longer about trying to save you from your pain but guiding you toward the understanding that you have the strength and resources to face it. Together, we can explore the depths, finding treasure amidst the uncertainties.
The Well of Potential
Think of your potential as a well. We have all the resources within us, yet it's a dark, deep drop. It's natural to feel trepidation about descending into the unknown. But when we trust ourselves and take that leap, we can collect the gold waiting for us down there—insights, strengths, and wisdom hidden beneath the surface.
So, how do we start this journey of trusting our depth? Here are a few practices to help the next time those insecurities start bubbling up:
Insecurity Check-In: Sit quietly and acknowledge those feelings of insecurity. Instead of pushing them away, treat them like a friend. Ask them what they’re trying to teach you. You might be surprised by the wisdom hiding beneath the surface.
Patience Practice: When impatience rises, take three slow, deep breaths. Remind yourself that there’s no rush to figure everything out right now. Your inner well has no timeline. Just like nature takes its time to blossom, so too do you. Practice trusting, breathing, and loving yourself a little more each day.
Listen to My 'Inner Wisdom' Hypnosis Audio: Take a moment to practice being still and trusting yourself without the need to hold onto certainty. In this relaxing exercise, you can fall into your inner well and see what treasures you can pull up. Click here for the download NOW
As you learn to trust the depth of your inner well, you’ll notice a shift. You’ll become more patient with yourself, allowing answers to emerge in their own time. This practice of patience is like a trust fall into the depths of your insecurities. And guess what? When you let yourself fall, you’ll discover that the abyss isn’t empty; it’s filled with the treasures you’ve been seeking all along.
So take your time. Be gentle with yourself. Trust that your depth is enough, even in moments of uncertainty. And, if you need support on this journey, remember that you don’t have to do it alone.
Ready to Dive Deep? Click here to book a session with me, and let’s explore these depths together. We’ll uncover what’s within, helping you embrace the endless possibilities that await you.
Final NoteThis blog is heavily focused on the energies of Gate 48, which comes from the spleen in your Human Design body graph. To learn more about your Human Design, get a reading, or implement therapy that incorporates Human Design, you can use the above link to book that in with me.