The final session
of the 12 week ‘Love Yourself Sick’ workshop is such a special one. It is a time to reflect both individually and as a group on how each member has grown and the tight nit group that now is. These ladies have shared so much of themselves, but they have also been given so much love, and understanding from the other ladies that share their journey with them.
Nobody in the group ever wants it to end……..
As the facilitator of these groups, I too also feel emotional on the last session, as I have literally seen these ladies blossom into what they only have ever dreamed of being.
Last night marked the end of yet another amazingly successful group. A bunch of women who dance their own dance, stand in their greatness and embrace their once perceived flaws, as intended parts of their stories.
Throughout the weeks the group of women got to know my love for slam poetry, and one special lady of the group wrote and performed her poem for us to celebrate the journey they’ve all been on.
It touched me and the other ladies so deeply.
Here it is:
Our Journey
We walk in one by one heavy hearted,
Heads bowed down weighed with so much self hate
I’m nervous, you’re nervous too
Voices quiet and muffled as we pour our hearts out
As if it spill into a mud pit of more self hate.
My pain, your pain, her pain
It’s all much the same.
Week by week we share, we share, we share
It’s so crazy how strangers can come together.
We start to get to know each other tear by tear
Nat a diamond so dusty,
Kelly a ruby held down by rocks,
Sian an opal all hiding away.
Our crafty expressions
Our subconscious minds thoughts
They are our stories
Our ride of life’s lessons, and taunts
Look at us now
Together we stand, feet moving forward
Diamonds sparkling beautifully brave
Ruby so vibrant free from heavy hate
Opal all bright and rubble free
We are proud, proud to be us and no one else
Love Yourself Sick till it spills on the floor of everyone’s feet.
We are perfectly perfect and that’s how we will stay
Don’t let this good feeling fade,
Remind yourself again, again and again
This is your story do not damage or devastate.
Enjoy, appreciate, adore, worship, LOVE YOURSELF.
Love Nancy xxx