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Over-Giving is Killing Your Relationships. Here’s What to Do Instead

Writer's picture: Lucy EllisLucy Ellis

I look around at my clients, my friends, and even myself, and I wonder, where did we all go wrong?

We are overdoing, over-giving, and running on empty. We’ve proven we can work as hard, as fast, and as efficiently as men, but has it really gotten us anywhere?

We are burnt out, resentful, disconnected, and feeling unseen in our relationships.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that love is earned through effort, through giving more, doing more, fixing, controlling. But the truth is, for a woman to feel deeply connected in a relationship, she must be in her feminine energy. She must receive.

The Art of Receiving in Love

To be in our feminine flow in relationships, we must learn to allow—to let ourselves be led, to surrender control, to trust. Instead of gripping tightly to how things should be, we soften into how things are. Instead of trying to do it all, we let ourselves be supported.

A man wants to serve his woman. He wants to provide, protect, and create a space where she feels safe and cherished. But if we are always in "doing mode" fixing, planning, managing there is no room for him to step in. And then, we sit in our resentment, wondering why we feel so alone.

The problem isn’t our partners. The problem is our inability to receive.

What It Means to Truly Receive

Receiving is not passive it’s deeply active. It’s not about taking, demanding, or manipulating to get what we want. It’s about allowing love to land in our hearts, in our bodies, in our daily lives.

  • When someone offers to help do you accept it gracefully?

  • When your partner does something for you—do you appreciate it, or do you criticize how it wasn’t done “right”?

  • When life offers you beauty do you pause to take it in, or do you rush past it, already onto the next thing?

To receive is to be present. It is to feel deeply nourished by life, to drink in the moment, and to trust that you are held. It’s about shifting from striving, chasing, and controlling—to being, allowing, and trusting.

Why Giving From Empty is Hurting You

We’ve been taught to give, give, give. But what happens when we are giving from depletion?

Giving from an empty cup is not generosity it’s self-abandonment. It’s giving with resentment, with expectation, with an unconscious need to be loved in return. And when that love doesn’t come in the way we expect, we feel used, bitter, and unseen.

Real love doesn’t come from sacrifice. It comes from overflow. When we fill ourselves first when we nourish our own hearts, take deep care of our bodies, and soften into pleasure then our giving is natural, effortless, abundant.

This is the feminine way.

Reclaiming Your Feminine Power in Relationships

If you want your relationship to feel easeful, loving, and deeply connected, you have to start with you.

  1. Let yourself be supported. Stop taking on everything alone. Let your partner step up, let life support you, and stop controlling every little detail.

  2. Soften into your body. Breathe. Slow down. Move gently. A woman in her feminine is in touch with her senses: taste, touch, sound, beauty, pleasure.

  3. Receive with grace. When someone gives to you, take it in. Say thank you. Let it land. Don't diminish or reject it.

  4. Stay open. Don’t shut down, control, or judge. Stay curious. Stay soft. Stay receptive to what life is offering you.

  5. Love yourself first. The way you show up for yourself is how the world will show up for you. If you aren’t treating yourself like a queen, why would anyone else?

The Feminine is the Heart of the Home

Women set the tone in relationships, in families, in life. When we are well, when we are full, when we are soft and receptive everything flows.

If you are disconnected from your partner, resentful, or exhausted, ask yourself: Am I truly receiving? Am I open to life? Or am I stuck in doing, controlling, and overgiving?

You do not have to fix everything. You do not have to manage the whole world. Your power is in your softness.

Let yourself be held. Let yourself be loved. Receive.

Want to Go Deeper? Listen to the Podcast Episode!

If this blog stirred something in you if you felt a pull, a knowing, or even resistance then it’s time to go deeper.

I recently sat down with emotional intelligence and relationship coach Ash Sheppeard, to have a raw, eye-opening conversation about how to truly embody feminine energy in relationships. We explored what it means to soften, receive, and create flow with the masculine, how to break free from over-giving, and why the feminine is the heart of a thriving partnership.

But we didn’t stop there Ash also shared her five powerful steps to bounce back after heartbreak, giving you the tools to shift out of resentment, rebuild trust, and step into love from a place of wholeness.



Lucy Ellis Online Therapist specialising in hypnotherapy, dream therapy and family constellations
Get in touch:

0424 599 264

Serving clients online via Zoom. Based in Newcastle, NSW.

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

After-hours appointments available on request.

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© 2021 by Lucy Ellis.

A Blue Fairy Design Solution

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